A missing cryptocurrency influencer was found dismembered in a suitcase by children in Argentina after he admitted that he had run afoul of a criminal gang.

41-year-old Fernando Pérez Algaba of Barcelona, Spain, went missing on July 19. He was known for making millions from renting automobiles and trading in cryptocurrency.

Algaba would regularly post about his wealthy and luxurious exploits to his 916k followers on Instagram, but the updates stopped after he went missing during a week-long trip to Argentina.

The millionaire’s body was found when children playing in a stream in Buenos Aires discovered body parts in a red suitcase on Sunday.

Police were able to identify the man through his distinctive tattoos and fingerprints. They matched his tattoos to those found on a severed arm.

On Wednesday, the man’s torso and head were also found, and local news outlets reported that they had been cleanly amputated, suggesting that the crime was a professional job. A autopsy also found that he had been shot three times before he was dismembered.

Algaba was known as “lechuga,” which is lettuce in Spanish.

The millionaire had previously admitted that he had lost money in cryptocurrency, and he reportedly owed $40,000 to a violent gang involved in Argentina’s soccer scene.

“If something happens to me, everyone is already warned,” Algaba wrote.

His brother Rodolfo has claimed that he “was under psychiatric treatment for an anxiety disorder” and he hopes authorities will catch his killer.

“I’m not going to sit still, I’m not going to do justice with my own hands, but I hope that justice will be done,” said Rodolfo.

Here’s more about the harrowing case:

Missing millionaire crypto influencer found dismembered in suitcasewww.youtube.com

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