Actor Dwayne Johnson, often simply referred to as “The Rock,” has donated a large sum of money toward SAG-AFTRA Foundation relief efforts, SAG-AFTRA President Courtney Vance noted, according to Variety.

The outlet reported that the celebrity’s donation was seven figures.

“He stepped up in a major, historic way to help us because he’s one of us. We support our own,” Vance said, according to the outlet. “I want to thank Dwayne for his tremendous generosity, compassion, and initiative to step up in this significant and meaningful way for our community. On behalf of the thousands who will be helped by his historic donation, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“It’s the largest single donation that we’ve ever received from one individual at one time,” SAG-AFTRA Foundation Executive Director Cyd Wilson noted, according to Variety. “And what is amazing is that that one check is going to help thousands of actors keep food on their table, and keep their kids safe, and keep their cars running. And it’s not lost on me that he’s very humble about this, but it is a way to get us started.”

According to the foundation’s LinkedIn profile, “the Foundation is a national non-profit organization, independent from SAG-AFTRA, and relies solely on support from grants, corporate sponsorships, and individual contributions to maintain its programs and create new ones.”

SAG-AFTRA announced a strike earlier this month, a move that came after the Writers Guild of America had already announced a strike in May.

“Although SAG-AFTRA didn’t strike until 10 days ago, many of our actors’ productions were shut down during the writers strike, so they’ve already been affected since May and we’ve seen an uptick in the number of requests that come in. We’re processing probably five to 10 times (of the requests for financial aid) that we would normally process in a week and think that is going to continue to increase,” Wilson noted, according to Variety.

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