While Glenn Beck believes that RFK Jr. is a “dangerous candidate and president,” he does not believe that RFK should be censored.

Yet, he is being censored, of course, by the left.

The New York Society for Ethical Culture canceled an event where RFK Jr. was scheduled to give a pro-Israel speech just after Democrats in Congress tried to censor RFK Jr. during a congressional hearing on censorship.

All this because RFK Jr. has now been smeared as an anti-Semite.

Kennedy had apparently suggested COVID was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy continued.

While Glenn doesn’t know if RFK’s theories are nonsense or not, he does not believe in censoring them.

“I’m going to rise above the natural man and say this is wrong in all cases. In cases of conservatives being smeared, called anti-Semite when they are not, called Nazis when they’re not, called all kinds of names,” Glenn says.

“If you can’t handle someone’s opinion, if you can’t — I can handle Bobby Kennedy’s opinion, and he called for my death. You can’t handle somebody’s opinion? You have to cancel them?” Glenn continues.

Despite any animosity Glenn has toward the candidate, he will be having him on his podcast as he believes in free speech for all — no matter what they believe.

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