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Tasty, colorful products
aren’t targeting children
Re: “Stop cannabis industry’s efforts to target children” (Page A6, July 7).
Have you ever noticed that adults like sugary and fruity flavors, mint, chocolate, gummies, etc.? Adults enjoy cartoon characters, animals, and artsy and fun images, too. Just because a company is selling these items doesn’t mean they are “targeting” children. Do we need to make everything intended for adults bland and unappealing to protect children?
It is totally unfair to accuse cannabis companies of targeting children if they sell flavored vape pens or edibles with fun packaging, like this paper’s editorial did.
Licensed cannabis dispensaries strictly ID their customers as their items are not intended for minors. Adults need to be responsible and keep their pot away from kids. Packaging requirements make it nearly impossible to easily open cannabis products, so there are already steps in place to discourage use.
Stop blaming cannabis. It’s here. It’s legal. Get used to it.
Mikki Norris
El Sobrante
Climate change is
crisis that unites us
Abortion, gun control, human and civil rights, plus all the other issues that divide us will become completely unimportant as flood waters rise, fire licks at our heels or millions are dying due to famine and disease.
Our common cause is reversing global climate change. We are rapidly running out of time.
If we do not work together to fix global climate change, the vast majority of us will die.
This is not an either/or situation. Farmers and the rest of us need water. The super rich and the majority of us need resources.
We can make dramatic, positive differences to climate, and we must.
Belinda Neuman
Pleasant Hill
Xfinity glitch seems
profitable for Xfinity
If you’re an Xfinity internet customer and using your own modem, you should be aware that Xfinity has been doing something called “mid split” upgrades in the Bay Area. These mid-split upgrades appear to be causing issues with customer-owned modems, and maybe specifically Arris-brand modems.
We had issues with our Xfinity internet for several weeks and tried various solutions. None of them worked until we swapped out our Arris modem for an Xfinity xFi gateway. Now our issues are resolved but we’re having to rent a modem from Xfinity.
Xfinity should fix this problem ASAP and not charge customers for modems they’re only renting because of Xfinity’s mid-split upgrades.
Thomas Grau
Sue companies pushing
bad food and baloney
Re: “Government has ability to solve U.S. obesity epidemic” (Page A6, July 20).
Dr. Pearl from Stanford makes no mention of the media indoctrination paid for by companies making billions of dollars selling junk food and drugs.
Let’s sue those companies and corporations and use that money to treat the lower-income extremely obese. Imagine if the government bought this Stanford baloney, the obese could continue to have their cake, cookies, chips soaked in bad oils, and finished with white bread.
Steve Morjig
Castro Valley
In a harsh world,
kindness shines
I arrived at the Oakland Airport from a very early flight and after I retrieved my luggage, I went outside to wait for my ride. I must have looked distressed because a driver came up to me and asked if there was a problem. Apparently, a lovely woman, who was a passenger, sensed something was wrong. Well, they contacted my driver, and he came directly to where I was located.
I just wanted to let people know there are some really kind and decent people out there. So, thank you for your kindness.
Maryann Sheridan
Walnut Creek
Source: www.mercurynews.com