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Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson told Russel Brand’s podcast on Friday the story that never got to air because he was fired just before it was set to run. Carlson, who had the most watched cable news show prior to his firing, told Brand that he interviewed Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.

Carlson said that Sund told him that the January 6th crowd was “full” of federal agents prior to the protests turning into a riot at the Capitol Building.

Carlson said on Friday that he had no idea as he watched the riot on television that “U.S. law enforcement or military agencies had anything to do with it. That never crossed my mind,” adding that he is not a “conspiracist” to have such thoughts.

“I never thought that and then I interviewed the chief of the Capitol police, Steven Sund, in an interview that was never aired on Fox by the way. I was fired before it could air… but Steven Sund [who] was totally non-political…I mean this was not some right-wing activist, he was the chief of Capitol police on January 6, and he said, ‘Oh yeah, that crowd was filled with federal agents.’ Yes, he would know of course because he was in charge of security at the site,” the former Fox News host added.

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