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LONDON – Singer CoCo Lee whose career blossomed when she sang the theme song for the Disney movie, “Mulan,” has died by suicide, according to family members.

On Sunday, June 2, Lee, 48, was rushed to the hospital due to a depression-related suicide attempt. The history-making performer remained in a coma until her death on Wednesday, the New York Post reported.

Her older sisters confirmed in a Facebook post that the star attempted suicide at home over the weekend.

“CoCo had been suffering from depression for a few years but her condition deteriorated drastically over the last few months,” the Facebook post read. “Although, CoCo sought professional help and did her best to fight depression, sadly that demon inside of her took the better of her.”

Lee was born in Hong-Kong. The singer-songwriter moved to the U.S. (San Francisco) when she was 9 years old, but eventually returned to her home state where she launched her music career. Her breakout role came in 1998 when she sang the Mandarin version of the theme song “Reflection” from the Disney classic “Mulan” and voiced the ceremonial role for the Chinese version of the movie.

Lee was also known for her hit song in the film “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” and made history as the first Chinese American to perform at the Oscars, singing the track “A Love Before Time” from the movie, according to the Daily Beast.

In another historic move, Lee became the first Chanel brand ambassador of Chinese descent for the Asia region.

Lee remained an active high-profile star in mainland China up until her death. In recent years, she served as a judge on various singing competitions and reality shows.

“CoCo is also known to have worked tirelessly to open up a new world for Chinese singers in the international music scene, and she went all out to shine for the Chinese,” her sisters said in their post. “We are proud of her!”

In addition to her sisters, Lee leaves behind her mother; husband Bruce Rockowitz, a Canadian businessman who is the former CEO of Hong Kong supply chain company Li & Fung; and two stepdaughters.

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