As Bay Area residents head to mountains, beaches, lakes and rivers this summer, emergency officials and rescuers have issued warnings about raging rivers, dangerous ocean conditions, high temperatures and even the risk of a wet-snow avalanche.
Here are tips for staying safe and making it home after your outdoor California adventure:
- Avoid excessive alcohol during outdoor recreation, and don’t drink and drive vehicles, including boats.
- If caught in a riptide in Northern California, float and don’t panic, then swim parallel to shore until out of the rip.
- Swim with others.
- Stay hydrated.
- Cover up from the sun, and use ample sunscreen.
- Tell friends and loved ones your destination and route.
- Wear flotation devices in boats and when near rivers and in the water as necessary.
- If you get lost, stay put and wait for rescue.
- Beware of wet-snow avalanches in the Sierra.
Source — California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services; Sheriff’s offices; California State Parks; Bay Area Mountain Rescue Unit
Source: www.mercurynews.com