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KOOTENAI COUNTY, Idaho – An Idaho sheriff has issued a public statement directed at drug users who plan to visit his county during the 4th of July celebration this year that narcotics such as cocaine, fentanyl and methamphetamine remain “serious felonies” in the state.

Apparently, this reminder is required since drug abuse has become prevalent in the State of Washington due to the enabling political leadership in the legislature and governor’s office.

Kootenai County Sheriff Robert B. Norris has made it clear that drug users from tolerant places like Seattle and Spokane should stay home. He said county jail can be the “Bed and Breakfast” for those who desire to violate “controlled substance” laws in Idaho. See the sheriff’s message below, as written by Lt. Zachary Sifford.

Kootenai County Idaho is a preferred destination venue for many Washington residents during July 4th celebrations. In the past, the Kootenai County jail has seen a disproportionate number of jail bookings from our neighbors to the west. Sheriff Robert “Bob” Norris welcomes our law-abiding neighbors, however states that “controlled substance” laws are very different in Idaho than Washington. Fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine, are serious felonies in Idaho and one will go to jail or prison. Marijuana is also against the law and is prohibited. Unlike Washington, Idaho law does not restrict Kootenai County Law Enforcement from enforcing the law and taking violators directly to the Kootenai County “Bed and Breakfast,” our county jail.

This message is clear, if one chooses to possess controlled substances, or engage in any criminal behavior, Seattle, Spokane and the entire state of Washington is a wonderful place to enjoy July 4th celebrations.

The Sheriff said “Don’t come to Kootenai County on vacation, and leave on probation.”

Attention Idaho Legislature: Provide local option taxing authority to the County Board of Commissioners to fund Sheriff Public Safety Operations. Stop placing the burden on property owners, they are low users of Law Enforcement services.

Sheriff Robert B. Norris
By: Lt. Zachary Sifford

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