Neighborhood Notes

ROSE GARDEN>>Registration is open for Playful People Productions’ summer dance classes at San Jose’s Historic Hoover Theater, 1635 Park Ave.

A Masterclass in Musical Theater Dance exploring topics such as rhythm and musicality, energy, floor barre, standing barre, dance and acting integration, dance and singing integration, dance audition technique and rehearsal technique is set for July 10-21. Classes are held Monday-Friday, 7-9 p.m., for the two weeks of the program. Dancers should come prepared with water, a towel, jazz or character shoes, a notebook and pencil. Yoga mats are also recommended. Registration is $250.

The class will be taught by The T (also known as T Saffold), a teaching who was recently seen as Donkey in Playful People Productions’ “Shrek the Musical.” He will also be directing a fall master class production with Playful People.

For those looking for something a little more basic, Playful People staff member Emily Pennington will be teaching beginner tap from July 24-27, 7-8 p.m. each night. The inclusive introductory tap class will cover basic tap skills, and students will learn a dance to practice and play around with at home. Participants should come prepared with water, a towel and tap shoes. Registration is $100.

Pennington has been on the artistic staff at Playful People for eight years, and has been tap dancing since age 6. She directs and choreographs for Children’s Playhouse and Playful People Productions, and recently helped start an after-school theater program at her children’s school.

Classes are for dancers ages 12 and up. To register, visit or call 408-878-5362.
