A man who supposedly owns a tattoo parlor in Tennessee released a TikTok video raging against “conservatives” and “religious people,” telling them that they are “not welcome” in his shop and that they should do the world a favor and die from a “toxic” disease.

On Wednesday, the famed Twitter account Libs of TikTok shared the video posted by a TikTok user named xjollybobx, who reportedly owns Lucky Strike Tattoo in Paris, Tennessee, about two hours west of Nashville. In what Libs of TikTok described as an “unhinged rant,” xjollybobx told conservatives and religious people that they would not “have a good time” in his shop. “Don’t come to my f***ing shop,” he warned. “Don’t do it.”

Instead, xjollybobx, whose real name is reportedly Adam Leslie Robert Windsor, told them, “Take your small-minded bull s*** back to your f***ing church. And then, you know, shove a Bible up your a**. You’re just not f***ing welcome here.”

He eventually settled on “the term conservative” to describe his target audience, and he then issued a series of stereotypes about them. He claimed that they are often “racist” “snowflakes” who love their “safe spaces.”

He also suggested that any conservative looking to get a tattoo should consult their “cousin,” who acquired a “tattoo kit … off eBay,” and have it applied in the man’s “kitchen” or “garage.” The reason he wants conservatives to use such dubious methods to get a tattoo is because he wants them exposed to deadly pathogens.

“Get MRSA,” he said. “No, I’m serious. Get MRSA.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a staph infection usually contracted in surgical wards and other areas with similar equipment. The Mayo Clinic adds that MRSA is particularly worrisome since it has “become resistant to many of the antibiotics used to treat ordinary staph infections.”

It seems that xjollybobx, who accuses others of spewing “hatred,” hopes conservatives develop a severe case of MRSA so that they won’t live much longer. “Subsequently, get toxic and die,” he tells them. “The world would be better off.”

In case conservatives looking for a tattoo think he’s joking or miss his message, a caption on xjollybobx’s video reads, “Yes, i will ACTUALLY hurt you.”

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