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Butner, North Carolina – Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber who was found dead in his jail cell Saturday, is believed to have committed suicide, according to a report.

Kaczynski, 81, was serving four life terms in federal prison for a decades-long spree in which three people were killed and nearly two dozen others hurt by 16 of his homemade bombs.

He confessed to committing 16 bombings between 1978 and 1995. The bombings permanently injured several of his victims.

While officials at the federal medical prison in Butner, N.C. did not say how he died, multiple sources told The New York Times that he committed suicide.

Kaczynski was from Chicago, and was educated at Harvard and UC-Berkeley before becoming a hermit and living in a cabin in Montana. He had been in a maximum security prison in Colorado but was moved to a medical facility in North Carolina in December 2021 due to ill health.

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