Nostalgic art gallery

Walk into any clothing store and you’ll be able to tell: Nostalgia is in the air. Tap into the yearning for past decades at the Whitney Modern Contemporary Fine Art Gallery for the last week of the “Reminisce” exhibition.

Work by Los Gatos artist Gordon Smedt is on display at the gallery through Sunday, May 28. The solo exhibition features massive canvas paintings of familiar items like pastel Tupperware lids and “Jaws”-inspired graphic tees.

The gallery is located at 24 N. Santa Cruz Ave.

Volunteer in town

May 26 is the deadline to apply for a volunteer position on one of the Town of Los Gatos’ commissions, boards and committees. Seats are open on several bodies, including the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission, the Library Board and the Arts and Culture Commission. To apply, visit

Plant-based eating

The Los Gatos Library’s eco-friendly speaker series, co-sponsored by Plant Based Advocates, continues next Thursday, June 1, with a discussion on how to eat meals that are healthy for both you and the planet. Rachel Brown, author of “For Fork’s Sake: A Quick Guide to Healing Yourself and the Planet Through a Plant-Based Diet” will discuss her own transition away from animal products after being diagnosed with high cholesterol.

The talk will take place at  1 p.m. at the Los Gatos Library, located at 100 Villa Ave.

Fairy tale ballets

Los Gatos Ballet will perform a tribute to the classic tales of “The Little Prince” and “Peter and the Wolf” June 3-4 at the West Valley College Theater in Saratoga. There will be matinee and evening performances on Saturday, June 3 and a matinee on Sunday, June 4.

For tickets, visit
