Saying it was too soon after his death to name a building after him, the Saratoga City Council opted instead to honor Jack Mallory with a plaque at a building he helped save.
Mallory, better known as Mr. Saratoga, spearheaded the initiative to save the North Campus and help turn it into the Prospect Center in 2009. The city-owned facility at at 19848 Prospect Road is rented out for events.
Mallory passed away on March 4 at age 86. He had served as a Saratoga City Council member and founded the city’s annual Fourth of July celebration.
The council voted at its May 3 meeting to install a plaque in memory of Mallory in the center’s Friendship Hall later this year.
“He had contributed a lot to our community,” Vice Mayor Yan Zhao said. “I know he will be remembered by all in our community.”
The council fell short of naming Friendship Hall after Mallory, which was Mayor Kookie Fitzsimmons’ initial request, because councilmembers felt it was too soon after Mallory’s death to do so.
Councilmember Chuck Page said he wanted more time for public input before renaming the building.
“I’m not sure that naming the building after Jack is the right thing to do at this time,” Page said. “I would be supportive of a plaque for sure. … This quickly after Jack’s passing might not allow us the time and public input that is necessary.”
The city also named a tree in honor of Mallory at its Arbor Day celebration last month.
The plaque costs $850 and will be paid for through the city’s discretionary fund. Renaming the building would cost $2,500 for the city to update signage, staff said.
At the council meeting, resident Dave House spoke in support of renaming the building the Jack Mallory Friendship Hall.
“On March 4, 2023, Saratoga lost one of its prime citizens,” House said. “The accomplishments and contributions of Jack Mallory have been well documented. He was Mr. Saratoga.”
Source: www.mercurynews.com