An Ohio man was charged earlier this year for exposing himself to multiple women, in one instance with little girls present.

While the presiding judge in 31-year-old Darren Glines’ case determined there was “no question that Glines was in the women’s locker room,” he ultimately let the transvestite off the hook because of the YMCA’s gender identification policy and the transvestite’s giant gut.

What’s the background?

TheBlaze reported in February that Glines was charged in Xenia Municipal Court with three counts of public indecency for exposing himself in September, November, and on a third occasion with kids present — all fourth-degree misdemeanor charges.

A Greene County mother told WLWT that she was “upset” and “shaken,” after Glines, of Fairborn, allegedly exposed his penis to her and her 13-year-old and 16-year-old daughters in one of the reported instances.

Despite having an intact penis, Glines allegedly told the concerned mother that he was in fact a woman.

The mother reportedly found no help from the director of the YMCA, who indicated that Glines and men like him couldn’t be stopped from entering women’s spaces.

The YMCA of Greater Dayton refused to bar the male patron from the once female-only space.

“Under no circumstance will we investigate an individual’s birth identity and then assign individuals to locker rooms. That would be counter to the law, counter to respect for all people and it is not who or what we are as an organization,” the organization said in a statement.

The organization told WLWT that “Greater Dayton YMCA adheres to Ohio and Federal laws and antidiscrimination laws which allow all members access to its facilities and programs, regardless of religion, national origin, race, color, sex, age, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

Fat chance

Hopes that Glines might be held to account were dashed on April 28 when Judge David McNamee cleared Glines in Xenia Municipal Court, noting that the YMCA permitted him to be in the women’s locker room and his gut likely covered his penis, reported WHIO-TV.

“There is no question that [Glines] was in the women’s locker room. However, [Glines] was not charged with trespass, nor was [Glines] charged with being in an area of the YMCA where [Glines] was not supposed to be,” McNamee wrote, citing permission provided to Glines by Fairborn YMCA executive director Jacqueline Brockman.

Glines’ activist attorneys Lauren and Keara Dever argued that in addition to having the permission to parade around naked in the women’s locker room, it is “fair to say that the whole genital area was covered by body fat.”

McNamee appeared to agree, writing, “Glines’ genitalia was not visible as a result of other portions of her body covering same.”

Reduxx reported that Glines weighs over 350lbs.

RedState indicated that two precedents are set in this case: “First, if a man is so fat that their genitals can’t be clearly seen, then it’s apparently fine for them to get naked in front of little girls at a YMCA. … Further, it is now apparently acceptable for a man to get naked in front of little girls as long as the degenerates at the front desk of an establishment give him permission to enter the woman’s locker room.”

Emboldening offenders

Kateisha Young, a YMCA Fairborn employee who testified as a witness on behalf of the prosecution, told Reduxx that she was initially welcoming of Glines and supportive of his claims of womanhood. However, her support withered after he allegedly sexually assaulted her.

“He let me believe he was a friend, and he told me that he wasn’t interested in me sexually. Then, as I’m trying to comfort him with a hug … I’m thrown for a loop, world-shattering reality,” said Young.

Young secured a protective order against Glines, which went into effect in January. After learning there had been other women victimized by the transvestite, Young testified against him and expressed certainty that he would re-offend.

“I definitely think he will try what he did to me with someone else, especially with the not guilty verdict. He will feel emboldened to be exposed, but also he will have access to more sympathizers who are just as I was… ultimately naive [and] fooled, until he makes his move,” said Young.

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