If you thought Joe Biden was done gaffing for the cameras, you were wrong.

In a recent trip to Ireland, Biden made what may be one of the most outlandish remarks he’s made on the international stage.

He says, “There’s nothing our nations can’t achieve if we do it together. I really mean it. So, thank you all. God bless you all. Let’s go, let’s go lick the world. Let’s get it done.”

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” had Spencer Klavan and John Bachman on his show to discuss this gaffe — and whether or not Biden will actually be running for reelection in 2024.

Klavan jokes that Biden’s statement could have meant something like: “What if we did what Biden does to an ice cream cone, but to the whole world?”

He continues, “There’s a screw loose, and we’ve known this for a while. He’s sort of doddering around saying whatever comes to mind.”

But unfortunately, Klavan adds, “you’re not ever allowed to question or, you know, even raise an eyebrow” at this kind of stuff. Unless you want to be called “some kind of anti-American insurrectionist.”

Bachman adds that his friend lives in Ireland, and he questioned him on his thoughts after the president’s latest visit. Apparently, his friend is “very thrilled any time the American president comes.”

Bachman recalls being “relieved” that “foreign countries still have some respect for the office at least of the American president — even though this guy is in it right now.”

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