Where have we seen this before? Oh, that’s right, in history books. It seems the worse a government gets, the more it pushes to disarm its citizens. It doesn’t take a genius to do a quick Google search and see that the highest violent crime is in Democrat-run cities. And it isn’t hard to see what all of those cities have in common—strict gun control. And now Washington state is joining the ranks of unsafe places as it enacts its own “Assault weapons” ban.
Washington State Enacts “Assault Weapons” Ban
This weekend, as 20 more people were shot in the gun control mecca of Chicago, Washington state was busy working on more anti-Second Amendment legislation of its own.
Over the weekend, the “assault weapons” ban, House Bill 1240, passed the Washington State Senate by a vote of 27-21. However, since it was amended by the Senate, it will go back to the House. Once the amended version passes the House, it will go to the desk of Washington’s Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, who is expected to sign it.
Fox News writes, “‘The Senate today put public safety above the interest of the gun lobby,’ Attorney General Bob Ferguson [stated]. ‘The devastation of mass shootings extends far beyond the casualties and injuries. Mass shootings traumatize entire communities. We must stop selling these weapons of war in Washington.’”
If signed, as expected, the bill would prohibit the sale, manufacture, and import of “assault weapons” in the state. The state joins nine other states, and Washington D.C. who also have similar “assault weapons” bans in place.
According to reports, the bill will not ban Washington state residents from possessing the banned firearms. Likewise, there are exceptions for law enforcement and those who inherited the guns.
Additionally, one amendment allows gun makers to sell inventory they had before January 1, 2023, to out-of-state buyers. The manufacturers will have 90 after the bill takes effect to do so.
The bill states that the legislature finds that “assault weapons” are not suitable for self-defense. However, it was just last September that Biden clearly stated they are used to defend people:
It seems like forever ago, but we just saw Ukraine—and us—arming its citizens against an invading force. How quickly we forget.
Governance by Mob Rule
Remember Chaz/Chop? In case you missed it, the socialist utopia saw a 525% rise in crime. Not to mention two shootings and violent robberies before being shut down after only ten days. The government in Washington State completely ignored it and allowed it to happen. Some even encouraged it. Now, these same people want us to believe that they are acting out of concern for public safety.
Once again, the party with the moral compass of a windsock is caving to the tantrums of the mob. Probably because it worked so well in Chaz/Chop.
According to The Olympian, “‘Young people are taking to the streets and will hold us accountable if we don’t do something,’ said Sen. Patty Kuderer, D-Bellevue. ‘When we’re talking about mass shootings and the killing of people quickly and without warning, we’re talking about assault weapons. And that’s why we’re here today, we’re here to say: enough is enough.’”
I’m old enough to remember that children who threw temper tantrums were not rewarded for it. Instead, we were punished and then sent to our room.
Unfortunately, this is the kind of government you get when everyone is a career politician with no real-life experience. They hide in their guarded ivory towers and cater to the whims of the mob. Because the mob screams, kicks its feet, pounds its fists, and acts like a child. So, it gets the sucker. And the sucker is typically stripped from the mouth of the quiet, law-abiding kid who has done nothing wrong.
A country cannot survive this type of governance. If you want to create more screaming children demanding their way, this is how you do it.
It’s time for adults to be back in government. Especially when we have a wide-open border and face threats from every side.
Source: www.personaldefenseworld.com