INDIANAPOLIS – The National Police Association (NPA) has submitted written testimony to the Florida House Judiciary Committee in support of House Bill 437, which would protect homeowners with Thin Blue Line flags from HOAs. The act would codify the ability to display a flag that utilizes the same emblems and proportions utilized by the United States flag, regardless of the colors used, without any additional emblems or text.
Some homeowner associations (HOAs) ban the flag, but the beauty of the Thin Blue Line and the flag in which it is represented should stand as a unifying force among people of good faith and peaceful intention. It must not be relegated to the ever-increasing waste bin of political correctness where the slightest offense to any tender soul is prohibited.
Those who seek to silence support for our law enforcement officers are engaging in a smear campaign against our brave men and women in blue. We must protect the freedom to stand up for our police officers and show them the gratitude and respect they deserve.
Read the full NPA testimony here.
About The National Police Association: The National Police Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit Educational/Advocacy organization. For additional information visit www.nationalpolice.org.
This article originally appeared at the National Police Association.
Source: www.lawofficer.com