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United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz provided the “Week in Review” via Twitter, which demonstrates the job they do everyday, despite federal policies that undermine their authority and invite international law violators to challenge them at every turn.

Chief Ortiz noted in his tweet that 11 agents were assaulted in the past week as the federal agency made 34,600 apprehensions. Sadly, about 10,100 people were categorized “Gotaways” (largely due to the Biden Administration policies) as they scurried into the interior of America, some of whom wish to do us harm.

Also noteworthy in the chief’s tweet is that 11 sex offenders were among the apprehensions, and the agency seized large quantities of narcotics being smuggled into the country.

At Law Officer, we agree with Chief Ortiz on a job well done; “Extremely Proud!”

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