Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri says that promoting “gender-affirming care” is not a form of “grooming.”

Some leftists openly advocate for minors to have access to puberty blockers, hormones, and transgender-related surgeries. But conservatives have been publicly speaking out against the push to allow children to participate in gender-bending medical practices and have been seeking to prohibit the provision of gender-transition measures for minors. Some people have been describing adults as “groomers” if they promote exposing children to radical leftist gender ideology or to events like drag shows.

Bush also insisted that transgender individuals “exist.”

“Let’s be clear on this: it’s not ‘grooming’ to advocate for gender-affirming care for trans people. There also isn’t a ‘trans debate’ — trans people exist. You cannot debate someone’s existence. It’s on all of us to draw a line in the sand on this hateful rhetoric,” the congresswoman tweeted.

Bush has previously tweeted that she supports “trans rights” and claimed that “gender-affirming care is healthcare.”

“Today, on #TransDayOfVisibility, we celebrate trans joy and redouble our commitments to uplift our trans siblings in the face of unrelenting attacks,” Bush tweeted.

Bush has also claimed that “mass shootings are a GOP policy choice.”

“Students being murdered at their desks is not enough for them to value lives over toys. Republicans want the U.S. to have an even higher share of the world’s gun supply. They don’t want common-sense regulations on gun ownership. Their perverted view of the Second Amendment compels them to argue against reasonable restrictions,” Bush declared during a congressional hearing in March. “We will not succumb to the nihilist, insurrectionist view of the Second Amendment. We will not allow the apolgists for gun violence to win. We will double down on a public health response to the public health emergency that is gun violence in our country,” she said.

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