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High prices appear
to be a PG&E problem

There was a recent letter from a person owning houses in Oregon and northern California comparing gas rates (“PG&E could use lesson in cost control,” Page A8, Feb. 19), noting how much higher the California rates are compared to Oregon.

I’d like to clarify that, as a property owner in northern and southern California. The SoCalGas rates per therm are about a third the cost of PG&E, per my most recent bills for comparable time periods. It would appear the problem isn’t between the two states but exclusively with PG&E management and sourcing.

I sure wish Gov. Newsom would address the problem he’s created with the PUC.

Peter Coenen

District must address
cotton ball issue head on

Re. “Students brought cotton balls to school to mock Black History Month,” Page B3, Feb. 11:

With respect to the linked article, the Mount Diablo Unified School District should be moving in a direction of increasing social awareness in the student population and doing so through the implementation of multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). The fact that a student intentionally passed out cotton balls during Black History Month is highly reflective of a larger systemic issue around addressing racial stereotypes in the school setting.

As a master of social work student, I firmly believe in the advocacy and advancement of basic human rights, especially as they pertain to youth.

MDUSD should publicly address how this event will produce changes to their current implementation of MTSS and how Tier 1 interventions can support social/equity issues. Children and youth should have the right to participate in education in a safe and racist-free environment.

Megan Escocio
Bay Point

Local TV news should
broaden its scope

I am becoming increasingly intolerant of the poor information we receive during the 11 p.m. TV news from any channel.

No matter where we turn, I notice a disproportionate amount of time devoted to killings, local or national; violence at every level (which alas does exist); and the weather: the preview, the forecast and the weather review at the end. Nothing past this, unless it is a catastrophe like the earthquake in Turkey or the beginning of the assault of Ukraine. And this type of news just gets a few minutes when it is “hot,” but then tends to disappear forever.

If 30 minutes are not enough for news outlets to provide good, comprehensive information, then try 45 minutes and a more global breadth. The world today is more than Oakland killings and Bay Area temperatures. A bit less provincial, please.

Francesca Piaggio-Weiss

Republican thinking
makes little sense

I am trying to understand Republican thinking.

Their response to mass killings is to have everyone carry a gun everywhere. Also, they want to stop giving money to people who need it and rather give it to people who don’t need it.

Maybe it’s just me but this seems crazy. One wonders if it is about greed and power.

DiAnn Hillerman
