Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

The 43-year-old shooter killed three and wounded others, and also reportedly ended his own life.

“F*** your thoughts and prayers,” Puri declared in his statement, before going on to offer “deepest condolences” to the school’s community.

“What happened in East Lansing is unfortunately far too common. Going to school in America, whether it’s pre-school or college, means risking your life every day to the threat of a mass shooting. Yet all we have offered up are empty solutions — traumatizing active shooter drills and bulletproof backpacks,” Puri said in the statement. “We do not need to live like this. The United States is the only country where this happens. Where mass shootings have left us desensitized, waking up each day to a seemingly never-ending horrific cycle of gun violence.”

“Thoughts and prayers without action and change are meaningless. Our office will continue to work tirelessly to pass common sense gun reform immediately. We will not stop until our students can attend school without fear, our communities can attend places of worship in peace, and our society is safe from senseless gun violence,” he said.

Ryan Petty, whose daughter Alaina was killed in the 2018 shooting at a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, called Puri “disgusting.”

“You are disgusting. Have some respect for your office and to the families who have lost loved ones,” Petty tweeted.

But gun control activist David Hogg, who was a student at the school when the Parkland shooting occurred, expressed support for Puri: “We need more politicians like this,” Hogg tweeted in response to Puri’s statement.

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