Some of those elements included black queer studies, black feminist literary thought, and the movement for racial reparations.

On Wednesday, the College Board issued a revised curriculum in an apparent victory for the Republican governor. It excised many of the more controversial topics and added “black conservatism” as an idea for a research project, according to the New York Times.

College Board chief David Coleman denied that the revised standards were due to political pressure.

“At the College Board, we can’t look to statements of political leaders,” he said.

He added that they had instead listened to “the input of professors” and “longstanding A.P. principles” to formulate the new curriculum.

Some on the left took to social media to berate the College Board for kowtowing to fascism, as they saw it.

“A win for fascist intimidation and horrible blow for academic freedom,” responded Will Bunch, a national columnist.

“[T]he College Board decides to help Ron DeSantis’s white nationalist movement whitewash history nationwide,” replied editorial cartoonist Darrin Bell.

“WOW: The College Board erased everything from AP African American history course that Ron DeSantis objected to. This is how White supremacy thrives. The College Board should have held their ground but now they have sacrificed academic freedom to make white nationalists happy,” tweeted Muslim comedian Dean Obeidallah.

“On the first day of Black History Month, the College Board caved to the will of extremist conservatives like Ron DeSantis by censoring African American studies curriculum,” read a tweet from the Human Rights Campaign. “This is an embarrassment on the part of the College Board and an attempt to erase Black history.”

Bryan Griffin, the press secretary for DeSantis, said the new curriculum is being reviewed to see if it fits the state standards of Florida.

DeSantis is considered a likely competitor for the 2024 Republican presidential primary against former President Donald Trump.

Here’s a local news report about the decision:

College Board releases framework of new AP course denounced by

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