Subaru announced earlier this month that it is recalling the 2022 WRX for a critical fix … to the owner’s manual. Subaru says its printed documentation may contain incorrect instructions for adjusting the Impreza-based sedan’s high beam assist feature. Since headlight output is strictly dictated by FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards), Subaru has no choice but to issue a supplement for the printed manual. 

“The operating instructions in the owner’s manual mistakenly referenced the operation of a different type of dimmer switch,” Subaru’s defect report said. “Incorrect instructions for adjusting the sensitivity of the High Beam Assist function contained in the owner’s manual may cause the driver to misunderstand the system status, increasing the risk of a crash.”

We can probably all agree that the above is a bit of a stretch, but fortunately, the remedy for this is about as easy as they come: Subaru just has to mail out a supplemental page for the manual, which we’re certain all 4,615 owners of 2022-model-year WRXs will dutifully add to the collection in their glove boxes. Look for that to be mailed by late March. 

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