This story couldn’t have been written any better if it were a screenplay against gun control. It has black markets, illegally altered guns, stolen guns, an inept justice system, shootouts, drive-bys, evading law enforcement, etc. Frankly, it has it all. But more importantly, it succinctly illustrates why gun control doesn’t work.
A Perfect Example of Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work
In case you missed it, there was a recent gunfight on Saturday night at the City Foundry in St. Louis. Involved in the altercation were three juveniles and unknown suspects in a white Honda Accord.
St. Louis Metropolitan Police were investigating reports of several vehicle break-ins in the parking lot of the City Foundry. While investigating, they heard gunshots coming from the same parking lot. The officers state that a white Honda Accord was traveling westbound on Foundry Way. It then turned southbound onto Vandeventer.
According to the officers, a passenger leaned over the roof of the car and began firing rounds in their direction. Also nearby were three juvenile boys. Just moments after, a window in a vehicle the officers were standing near suddenly shattered. One officer said he heard several rounds “whiz past their right ear.”
Once the Honda was away from the scene, the three juveniles began running away from the officers. However, they were able to catch the youths and take them into custody. The reason they were running became immediately clear at that point.
KMOV St. Louis reports, “Police said a 15-year-old boy was found with a Glock 29 equipped with an auto sear, making the gun fully automatic. A 16-year-old boy was in possession of a stolen Glock 19.”
Released to Their Parents
Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Following the incident, police contacted the Juvenile court for guidance. The answer? Release the juveniles to their parents.
So, we have an illegally altered firearm, stolen firearm, possible illegal discharge of a firearm (right past officers), and evading arrest. This is what qualifies for release now. Specifically, release to their parents, who are clearly not part of the solution.
Tina Pihl, 17th Ward Alderwoman, told KMOV, “It is scary. When I read that article and saw what was happening, I was frightened.”
The device found on the 15-year-old’s handgun is currently illegal, with St. Louis reporting a 500 percent increase in the black market device. According to U.S. Attorney Sayler A. Fleming, her office is aggressively prosecuting people found in possession of these illegal devices. She even acknowledges that it is criminals responsible for their use.
“For those that plan to use a firearm equipped with one of these devices when they’re out selling drugs or committing a crime of violence as defined under the law, you’re going to be looking at a mandatory minimum,” said Fleming. “That’s not less than 30 years in prison.”
So, why were the juveniles released to their parents? Apparently, there are no federal laws that apply to the 15-year-old accused of possessing such a weapon.
However, there is an assessment form in the state of Missouri that weighs numerous factors with a score. The form clearly states that a score of 15 or higher should result in detention.

If you take a look at 3-A on the form, it states “…unlawful felony possession or use of a firearm or explosive device,” which equals 15 on its own. That one offense scored high enough for detention. So, why was he sent home?
Different Stories
It seems now that no one is clear as to why the juveniles were sent home, and no one is taking the credit.
According to Riverfront Times, “The 22nd Judicial Circuit Court and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department have different stories about why a group of teenagers involved in a gunfight Saturday night were released to their parents.”
In the case of “he said, she said,” the initial incident report states that the juvenile court was contacted and advised the officers to release the juveniles to their parents. However, a 22nd Judicial Court spokesman says that the police did not bring them to juvenile court for detention. Likewise, no juvenile officer or judge was contacted regarding the incident.
The statement goes on to say, “Instead, a phone call occurred between the intake office and a police officer. The parties disagree as to the content of the conversation.”
“As of today’s date, none of the juveniles has been brought to St. Louis City Family Court for referral, detention or charges. Once police present the youths, a juvenile officer will review the evidence for legal sufficiency and assess them for detention,” the statement said.
These are the people that are supposed to keep us safe after they take our guns away from us—hard pass.
So, to be clear, while politicians are focused on disarming lawful gun owners, criminals walk. In this incident, multiple current gun control laws were broken, and yet the suspects are free. Guns are not the problem; criminals are. Likewise, gun control will not solve the problem, as demonstrated here.
Want to know why gun control doesn’t work? It’s because of ineptitude and lack of enforcement of current laws. Proving once again it is not about public safety or guns, it is about control.