Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell says that he was kicked out of a North Miami, Florida, restaurant for being a conservative.

While recounting the experience during an appearance on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Caldwell explained that he and some neighbors were having breakfast at Paradis Books and Bread, and a woman, who identified herself as an owner, said she had been listening to their conversation and that they were not welcome at the establishment. Caldwell said she noted that their politics were not in alignment and said, “I don’t feel comfortable. You have to leave.”

Caldwell, who said he thought the woman was white, noted that he and his group departed.

He said that he had been talking to his companions about issues such as Fox News, noting that they had asked him how he liked working there. He said they asked him if he was conservative and he responded in the affirmative, noting that he is the author of the book, “Taken for Granted: How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed.” Caldwell also said he spoke to them about his 18-year-old brother, Christian, who was fatally shot last year in Chicago. He also said he spoke about how progressive district attorneys are worsening the crime problem around the nation. Caldwell said the other people did not mention their own political views.

“I can’t believe what just happened. I met up with friends for breakfast at Paradis Books and Bread in North Miami & while we were having discussions about politics we were told by the owner that we were not welcomed there because we aren’t politically aligned. Outrageous,” Caldwell tweeted. “What’s even crazier to me is I spent a big portion of time talking about getting justice for my brother & victims of violent crime in America then to be discriminated against by this white lady in 2023 because I’m conservative is unfathomable,” he tweeted.

“No matter your politics you should not be discriminated against. I was discriminated against for being a conservative and told to leave a restaurant in North Miami because my politics didn’t ‘align’ with the owner. This is NOT okay,” he wrote in another tweet.

Paradis Books and Bread reportedly posted on Instagram that a group had ordered food and “talked quite loudly for over an hour.” The post said that much “of what they were discussing was very troubling, specifically when talking about women in degrading ways, as well as using eugenic arguments around their thoughts on Roe v. Wade.” The post reportedly said that the “behavior and their words made other folks in the space as well as the one of us working very uncomfortable” and that when “it was clear that they were finished with their meal, we told them that our views don’t align, and that the language they were using was unwelcome in our space.” The post stated that someone “in the group said ‘that is your business model, and I respect that.'” The post also reportedly stated that “as a space co-owned by black folks and women, we firmly stand by our zero tolerance policy.”

“In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King said: ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ My experience at Paradis Books and Bread in North Miami is a clear case of discrimination that should not be tolerated in Florida or anywhere in America,” Caldwell said in a statement, according to NBC 6. “Whether liberal or conservative, no one should ever be asked to leave a place of business for engaging in political conversation in a respectful dialogue. Paradis is promoting a sort of political segregation that hearkens back to the days of the Jim Crow South and runs counter to the restaurant’s harm reduction policy.”

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