Authorities are warning Walnut Creek residents of an increased threat of burglaries after two separate incidents occurred on Friday night within a short time span.

At 9:09 p.m. police responded to a burglary alarm on the 600 block of Rock Oak Road and found a rear sliding glass door smashed and the interior of the house rummaged through. The home’s resident was not there — and a witness said they saw a black Mercedes sedan parked near the house along with three individuals.

Roughy 20 minutes later, police were called to a house on Windchime Court by a resident who saw three individuals in a black sedan running away from a nearby home. The three individuals left the scene with their headlights turned off. The Windchime Court resident entered their home and found a rear sliding glass door had been smashed and the upstairs bedroom burglarized.

Anyone with information about the incidents can contact Detective Sergeant Joe Njoroge at 925-256-3573.
