Goals for Los Gatos council

The Los Gatos Town Council is hosting a special long-term priority setting meeting Tuesday, Jan. 24. The 7 p.m. meeting will be held in person at 110 E. Main St. and broadcast virtually. The link to the video, along with the agenda, will be available on the town’s website.

Cookbook Club

The Los Gatos Public Library has a new offering for readers whose copy of “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat” is almost as well-worn as their favorite novel. The library is hosting a Cookbook Club, which will inspire participants with a monthly culinary theme and the challenge to create a recipe from one of the library’s cookbooks.

The first in-person meeting will take place Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 5 p.m. in the library’s conference room. Ahead of this month’s meeting, participants should choose and make a cozy recipe and be prepared to discuss their meal—and the cookbook it came from—with the group.

Behind the scenes at NUMU

New Museum Los Gatos is offering residents a rare peek behind the curtain of its exhibition “Reclamation: Resilience of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe,” which opened in November and will be up through May 21. The museum is hosting a virtual event Thursday, Jan. 26, at 5 p.m., to show residents how the exhibition came together. The event is free, although donations will be accepted. To view the event, visit https://tinyurl.com/NuMuReclamationTalk.

Funding to flight climate change

Today is the final day to submit applications for the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Education Fund, which supports environmental initiatives from local schools and students. While the types of projects the fund supports vary—including events, art and engineering projects—each must be in line with the organization’s mission to fight against climate change. Each project is eligible for up to $10,000 in funding.

To apply, visit https://svcleanenergy.org/education-fund.

Source: www.mercurynews.com