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Don’t settle for status
quo on climate change

I appreciate Lisa Krieger’s recent article, “When will we get a break from the storms?” (Page A1, Jan. 10), which provided both a thorough weather forecast and a historical perspective on California’s extreme weather events.

I was disappointed that it ended with the statement that “we should get used to [extreme] storm cycles,” as such a position ignores what actions we can take to minimize and mitigate climate change. A majority of Americans want Congress to act on climate change, and decarbonizing our energy supply is one of the most effective methods. Sixty-nine percent of Americans say developing alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar, is a priority for the country.

We must tell Congress to enact bipartisan legislation that supports the nationwide generation, distribution and use of clean energy, and support streamlined building electrification and permitting.

Sarah Hubbard
San Mateo

Article mischaracterizes
Nicaragua immigrants

Re. “Biden walks stretch of U.S.-Mexico border,” Page A1, Jan. 9:

Your article repeats disinformation regarding Nicaraguans fleeing repression and crime. The truth is that Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America and one of the safest in Latin America. Plus, there is no gang-related violence there.

Nicaragua is a very poor country, but since the Sandinistas regained power in 2007, poverty has steadily decreased.

Nicaraguan migration had been very low but has increased due to economic reasons. Our country’s sanctions as well as other U.S. policies against Nicaragua, and the U.S. support of the 2018 coup attempt, have hurt the Nicaraguan economy and its people, especially the poor. If the United States wants to decrease Nicaraguan migration, it should lift the sanctions and stop trying to overthrow the democratically elected President Ortega and the Sandinista government. They are supported by the vast majority of Nicaraguans.

Arlene Reed

Bush set pattern
of increasing debt

We should all welcome the goal of eliminating our annual federal deficit. But what is the modern origin of our current federal debt, which is now more than $31 trillion?

At the end of his second term, in 2000, outgoing President Bill Clinton had annual deficits just about down to zero. Incoming President George W. Bush had the option of continuing to reduce the debt, or even eliminating it. But, instead, he convinced Congress to cut taxes. He also pushed us into the second Iraq War and got the costly Medicare Modernization Act passed.

Over the next six years, the annual federal deficit soared to more than $500 billion per year. The 2008-09 fiscal year was our first $1 trillion deficit. Under President Bush, total debt went from $5.8 trillion to $11.9 trillion.

The pattern was set for continued annual deficits through the administrations of Obama, Trump and now Biden.

George Fulmore
