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Tech should step up
for shelter animals
The consequences of tech layoffs are overcrowding of city and county animal shelters. Companies fail to consider that former employees have pets they are unable to care for without jobs. Moving in with parents or friends, or not paying for food, vet bills, etc., results in animal shelters overflowing with surrendered pets needing shelter, food, health care, fostering and adoption.
Tech companies should accept responsibility for the plight of animal shelters with significant financial contributions to the shelters and nonprofits that provide aid and comfort to homeless pets. Shelters need funds for beds, blankets, veterinary assessments, shots and surgeries, all enriching and enhancing the lives of these abandoned pets, making them more adoptable into forever homes. Nonprofits provide adoption assistance and foster homes for shelter animals, enhancing a shelter dog’s chance for adoption.
Individuals contribute money and time to these agencies. Wealthy companies — step up and be part of the solution.
Kristen Clause
San Jose
Headline should allay,
not increase, fear
Re. “Israeli doctors reject Netanyahu allies’ anti-LGBTQ remarks,” Page A6, Dec. 28:
Israel has a coalition government made up of several parties with each one having its own agenda and talking points. That two of the radicals in the coalition should say that doctors should not have to treat LGBTQ people is unfortunate, but does not represent the government or the people of Israel any more than the pronouncements of some of our radical members in Congress who adhere to that same philosophy.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that he is in charge and that the LGBTQ community has nothing to fear from his government. That should be the headline, but that would put him in a positive light, which is something the media does not want to do.
Gilbert Stein
Religious minority keeps
abortion in public eye
Thank you for printing the oped from the Rev. Julia McCray-Goldsmith (“An Episcopal priest wrestles with the ethics of abortion,” Page A6, Dec. 29), whose thoughtful insights about abortion rights were greatly appreciated.
At the same time, she highlights her own Episcopal and other similar Christian doctrines justifying opposition to abortion because “the power to conceive and give birth … is bestowed by God.” If we were living in a theocracy — rule by religion as in Iran — then maybe we would not enjoy the freedom to choose, but we live by the U.S. Constitution, in which the Establishment Clause separates church and state. If all those who oppose abortion based on their religious beliefs were removed from the political dialog, there would barely be a peep about abortion rights.
The abortion issue only exists because a vocal minority wants to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of society, an affront to the First Amendment.
Mitchell Diamond
Film provides blueprint
to beat anti-Semitism
Steven Spielberg’s “The Fablemans” depicts a bullied Jewish student, “Sam,” in an antisemitic school environment.
While filming a class track competition, Sam’s camera languishes over the physique of the winningest classmate/antisemite, “Chad.” Sam’s film rockets Chad to stardom, and the boys develop an alliance, with Chad saving Sam from a beating by an antisemitic classmate.
Sam’s camera work is strikingly similar to Leni Riefenstahl’s “1936 Olympic Games,” the Nazi propaganda film that glorified the strength and beauty of German athletes, advancing the trope of Aryan racial superiority. The genocide of the Jews soon followed.
Spielberg uses Riefenstahl’s camera technique to evoke the Holocaust. He then reverses the function of the Nazi film. Instead of supporting the domination of the strong over the weak, his film protects the weak from the strong.
“The Fablemans” warmly describes how a boy found a way to overcome the bigotry Jews still face today.
Jack Hain
Santa Cruz
Article gives window
to power of belief
Re. “The intersection of oncology and biblical Christmas story,” Page A6, Dec. 23:
When I was an oncology patient, receiving a bone marrow transplant at Stanford Medical Center in April of 2019, I did not have the opportunity to meet Dr. Tyler Johnson, but I certainly wish I had.
Dr. Johnson’s sensitive and insightful essay spoke directly to me as I reflected on how I dealt with my own diagnosis. These words especially spoke to me: “But that is the special calling of religion and the unique power of belief — to stare into the yawning chasm of despair and absurdity and nonetheless proclaim I believe. And these, “… to care for people who have cancer … is to recognize that beyond the cells and DNA lies a deeper truth: We cannot be reduced only to cells and atoms. Life means something more.” Indeed.
Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for helping to illuminate the “unique power of belief.”
Dick Howard
San Jose
Source: www.mercurynews.com