I got hired here on January 10, 2022 and had the privilege to travel, take part in a lot of cool stuff and meet some great people on behalf of The ClassicCars.com Journal. It’s been a dream and I often remind myself that it’s a privilege to do this for a living. I got be a part (a very small part) of the automotive world and had the honor to share my experiences at auctions, Monterey Car Week, and some dope NASCAR fun.
2022 was a funky adventure for me and it’s my turn to select my greatest hits as the year ends. These are tough choices. I wrote 750 articles this year, and inevitably I will forget an article I loved sharing or a post our readership valued. A parent tends to avoid picking their favorite kid (I only have one and choosing my favorite is usually easy) and that notion extends to my work at The Journal. With that said, away we go with my Favorites of 2022.
As a Generation X kid and movie nerd I geeked out meeting and interviewing Claudia Wells, aka Jennifer Parker from Back To The Future. I rarely blush but she got me after mentioning I looked like Robert Downey Jr. within 10-seconds of the interview starting. Who wouldn’t blush when a star from an iconic movie says you resemble RDJ?
Traveling for work is cool (except when you have training in New York and then realize Albany is not close to NYC), but it puts a toll on those back home. These odysseys wouldn’t be possible if someone doesn’t take of business back home and I am eternally grateful for my wife’s unwavering support. For those of us that travel for work don’t forget to thank your loved ones back home for holding it down as you pursue a career.
I share a spiritual kinship with Captain Slow and I was terrified in the lead up to the ride along. Phoenix Raceway is a low-banked one mile oval and is one of the slower venues in NASCAR but it’s still fast to me. My fears were unnecessary because having a professional driver at the wheel means smooth sailing and an overall feeling of safety. I enjoyed the NASCAR ride along, but I can’t foresee driving a Cup Car.
Being a judge at Concours d’Lemons was my favorite experience at Monterey Car Week. It had a great atmosphere and a welcoming energy that are often lost at car events. There’s a lot of negativity out there and to have a lighthearted car show with only positive energy was refreshing. Plus, I can say I was on the same judges panel as Ray Evernham and that’s pretty dope for a knucklehead from Northern California.
Thank you for being part of my classic car odyssey in 2022. I’m not sure what 2023 has in store for me, but I’m going to do my best to share the experience with you.
Source: www.classiccars.com