I often wonder if Santa is pro-Second Amendment. After all, he has to deliver to places like Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, etc., right? So, I can only imagine he would be. And if he is, it only makes sense to ask Santa for guns for Christmas. If anyone can get the good stuff, it’s the big guy.
What Guns do you Want Santa to Bring You for Christmas?
Well, it didn’t take long to find the big kids in our community. And I’m not just talking about us here at Personal Defense World.
Christmas is just around the corner, and we figured it was the perfect time to ask for what you really want—guns. Not that we are a conduit to Santa or anything, but I’m pretty sure he reads our Facebook page. So, you might be in luck this year because we gave you the chance to share your wish list items.
Although there are usually some great conversations in our Real Talk segments, this one seemed to hit a chord. There were so many responses that it is just too much to share them all here. I will admit, though, there were some really great replies that kind of expanded my Christmas list as well.
You all thought of everything. There were many different models from manufacturers like Sig, Glock, Kimber, Colt, S&W, Ruger, Marlin, Uberti, Staccato, CZ, Barrett, Mossberg, Henry, HK, Winchester, Standard Manufacturing, Chiappa, Benelli, Daniel Defense, FN, Marlin, Beretta, Walther, Bond Arms, Dan Wesson, etc.
The list is veritable who’s who of great guns. Not to mention the classics like everything from M1 Garands and 1918 BAR to original Colt wheel guns. And a lot of great stuff in between.
If you are stumped about what gun you might want for Christmas this year, I recommend going to the post on Facebook and reading through it. You might get more ideas than you know what to do with.
An A For Creativity
I knew I liked you all for a reason. You are basically my spirit animal, and your comments definitely brought the fun to the list.
“Water Pistol.”
Sounds like someone might have a witch problem. Wrong holiday?
“HK MP5 is the ultimate Christmas gun LOL. Ho! Ho! Ho!”
Well, it was in a Christmas movie, after all.
“A real Red Ryder [BB] gun of course.”
Another great Christmas movie gun. Gotta love the Christmas spirit with this crowd.
“Nice try ATF, that might be construed as a straw purchase.”
No, really. We promise we aren’t the ATF. Please tell Santa what you want. But he’s a little hard of hearing, so please speak a little louder and into his lapel…I mean ear.
“M1 Abrams…please, Santa.”
Someone’s range day is going to be LIT after Christmas.
“7.62 G.E. Minigun.”
I think maybe the guy getting the M1 Abrams just found a range buddy.
“All of em.”
Uh oh, I think someone found a loophole. Santa’s gonna be busy.
“One that shoots out 100$ bills then I can buy whatever I want.”
Now, this sounds like the right idea. I’ll take one, too, please, Santa.
“Surprise me as long as it comes with ammo, it doesn’t matter.”
I think someone is just trying to get ammo. But who can blame him?
“Nerf gun.”
Might I recommend the Nerf LMTD Aliens M41-A Blaster. A lot of talk about aliens these days. You can never be too safe.

Um…yes, please.

The timeless gift of home defense. Now that is just plain practical.
Hedge Your Bets
Whatever gun you had on your list, I hope you are also telling family members. Because, well…you know. Or at least I hope you know. However, I recommend giving your wish list to all of your family members. Maybe you will get everything. Can’t hurt to try.
Merry Christmas from all of us here at Personal Defense World. We hope Santa brings you all the guns on your list and maybe even the ones from other people’s lists.
Source: www.personaldefenseworld.com