Now that 2022 is behind us, it’s time to reflect on our favorite games that were released over the course of the year. While 2022 was, like its two preceding years, still marred by game delays and hardware shortages, we have a massive and diverse selection of games to celebrate from the last 12 months. Whether you’re talking indie darlings, triple-A blockbusters, or anything in between, 2022 delivered several remarkable new experiences, including some that will likely define their respective genres for years to come.

We’ve selected and ranked our picks for the 10 best releases of the year, detailing why these games are must-plays. Check out Game Informer‘s top 10 games of 2022 below, and be sure to scroll down to the comments section and let us know what your favorite games of the year were. You can also take part in our ongoing reader poll to help influence our reader results for our next issue! 

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