Canada returned to its old anti-gun tricks recently. A new massive, long-gun ban, under an amendment to Bill C-21, Canada now adds several million additional semi-auto rifles, shotguns and more to its previous exhaustive prohibition on “assault rifles.”

The new measure names several popular long guns, reported Models include SKS, Tavor, AR180, Kel-Tec Sub2000, Ruger PC Carbine, Benelli M4 and so many more.

C-21 further prohibits “ALL CENTERFIRE SEMI-AUTOMATIC firearms with removable magazines,” reported The new gun ban adds an incredible level of prohibitions to the already disastrous gun ban of 2020, reported below.

On May 1, 2020, PDW reported:

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Friday a ban on approximately 1,500 makes and models of assault-style weapons. The ban goes into effect immediately. As of Friday, the sale, transport, import or use of this class of weapons is now illegal.

Canada Bans Assault-Style Weapons

“As of today, the market for assault weapons in Canada is closed,” Public Safety Minister Bill Blair told “Enough is enough. Banning these firearms will save lives.”

Trudeau announced a two-year amnesty period to allow current owners to somehow comply with the ban. The prime minster also said legislation would come in the coming months, providing “fair compensation” to current owners, according to A buyback program, as promised earlier by Canada’s Liberal Party, would likely cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yet, the definition around “assault-style” weapon remains murky. Canada currently provides no legal definition of the term, according to Regardless, the country effectively banned every firearm of a semi-automatic variety capable of utilizing a higher capacity magazine. What that actual definition is remains to be seen.

“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only … to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time,” Trudeau said, reported

The new legislation comes even as the Nova Scotia shooter used illegal arms to commit his crimes, which sparked the recent gun ban. The gunman used a mix of firearms obtained illegally from both Canadian and U.S. sources, according to So this new law in no way would have stopped the shooting rampage.

Sadly, we saw this coming. Canada now again follows the predictable pattern. When gun laws fail, liberal politicians seek to add more unnecessary gun laws. Only this time, Trudeau and those in power went for the jugular. Gun ownership in Canada took a hit today, one it may never ever recover from. Let’s hope her neighbors to the south see the lesson and remain ever vigilant. Oh, Canada …
