Italian EV startup Aehra on Tuesday revealed its first model, an SUV whose styling is clearly influenced by modern supercar design.

That last part shouldn’t be a surprise as the SUV, whose name is yet to be announced, was designed by Filippo Perini, a former Lamborghini design chief responsible for the designs of the Aventador and Huracán supercars. Perini also serves as design chief for Aehra.

The SUV’s design takes full advantage of the vehicle’s EV platform by featuring a long, 118-inch wheelbase coupled with very short overhangs. The roof line is also very low by SUV standards, but smart packaging means an NBA star will feel comfortable inside, according to the Aehra.

Vertical-lifting doors, like those common to supercars, features front and rear on the Aehra. While this adds some drama to the vehicle, it also enhances ingress and egress for long-legged individuals.

Aehra, EV startup Aehra unveils SUV penned by Aventador designer, Journal
Filippo Perini

Aehra has also adopted a monocoque design for the SUV’s structure and fitted active aerodynamic elements front and rear, both features normally limited to high-end performance machines. Many of the components also made from carbon fiber.

“With the Aehra SUV, we have shunned the conservative constraints that have encumbered all other car manufacturers in their approach to designing EV vehicles to date,” Perini said in a statement. “This mindset drives not just the design of our vehicles, but every aspect, including engineering, the layout of the interior, the state-of-the-art sustainable materials we use and how we are redefining the entire customer journey.”

Powertrain and performance details for the SUV haven’t been released.

Aehra said it plans to preview a second model, a sedan, next February. The company targets the start of deliveries for both models in 2025.


This article was originally published by Motor Authority, an editorial partner of
