House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) survived an assassination attempt by a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and easily won his reelection this week to a ninth term in the U.S. House. He is now seeking to become the next House majority leader.

Whole new ballgame

After securing 72.8% of the vote in his district and presuming a Republican majority in the House will soon follow, Scalise sent a letter to his Republican colleagues asking for their support.

The 57-year-old noted that the GOP had united behind a “bold, conservative agenda” aimed helping “solve the problems that families are facing.” Scalise now wants to lead its execution.

Scalise referenced his track record and leadership style as minority whip, “bringing together the diverse array of viewpoints within our conference to build consensus where others thought it impossible.”

Among the “conservative victories” Scalise cited as emblematic of his leadership and hard work were:

  • the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which sought to lower individual tax rates for low- and middle-income Americans to zero, 12%, 25%, and 35%, established a new Family Credit, and encouraged businesses to develop “cutting-edge ‘Made in America’ products and services”;
  • the 21st Century Cures Act, which was designed to help accelerate medical product development and get innovative remedies to patients in desperate need more efficiently; and
  • trade deals like the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Scalise also mentioned his team’s ability to unite the party in opposition to the Biden administration’s destructive “American Rescue Plan” and “Inflation Reduction Act.”

Without explicitly naming outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) or Democrat House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Scalise suggested that Democrats previously took a top-down approach whereby the people who deserve representation in the House along with their less affluent representatives in Washington were more or less sidelined.

Although it remains to be seen how, Scalise claimed he would “empower committees and individual members to be able to fully participate in a Congress that works for the people who elected us.”

Game plan

In his letter, Scalise laid out his plan on how to make good on Republicans’ “Commitment to America” as articulated in a September press release from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

Emphasizing that House Republicans “can’t afford to waste time,” Scalise said he would expeditiously “get committees up and running so they can hold hearings and consider legislation through regular order committee processes.”

The Louisiana native claimed he would balance urgency of action and have committees coordinate with one another, whether it’s dealing with the communist Chinese regime, the economy, or national security.

Certain that the Biden administration will inevitably “ramp up its administrative onslaught on the American people now that he has lost the House of Representatives,” Scalise indicated that priority would be given to its “relentless” oversight, particularly regarding the “politicization of the Justice Department” and the “job crushing regulations coming from every agency.”

Extra to putting the Biden administration on blast for its overreach and various failures, Scalise promised to end proxy voting and the “absentee, stay-at-home Congress,” as well as ensuring more time for legislative analysis.

Scalise previously addressed the warring factions in his party, saying, “I recognize that not everybody thinks the same way in our party … but most people want to get to the same place.”

That place is apparently a congressionally handicapped Biden administration and a better deal for American citizens.

Team player reported that Scalise is widely expected to win the majority leader vote, which will take place next week. If elected, then Scalise will take on the position in January.

In Q3 2022, Scalise raised a record $5.6 million to help Republicans retake the House, more than a House whip in either party has been able to in that period of time to date. This and the nearly $52 million Fox News Digital reported him raising since early 2021 may help his chances.

During the last Republican House majority, Scalise served as a the majority whip. He previously served as the chairman of the conservative House Republican Study Committee.

Scalise would be the first Louisiana native to hold the position in 50 years.