The infamous Stanford Tree has created more controversy — and received a suspension — after taking a swipe at school administrators during halftime of a recent Cardinal home football game.
Correct – Stanford hates fun.
— George Andrews (@gjandrews) October 31, 2022
A tweet from the Tree’s account on Sunday night announced that the current individual serving as the school’s unofficial mascot (it’s a member of the band) has been suspended for holding up a banner (with the help of Sparky the Sun Devil, ASU’s mascot) that read “Stanford Hates Fun” during the game against Arizona State on Oct. 22. The message is believed to be in support of growing student complaints that the university is stifling “social opportunities” on campus.
Tree No. 44 tweeted, “Stanford has decided to suspend the Tree for walking out onto the field last game with a sign reading ‘Stanford Hates Fun’. Tree socials will be inactive for the next few months. See y’all soon.”
But fans of the zany Tree need not worry, it’s not going anywhere despite the suspension.
Heyo, previous Tree (#43) here. Some of y’all have been asking, so I’ll clarify that @lsjumb leadership reached this decision as per established Band policy. But don’t worry, I’ll be coming out of retirement until #44 returns in the winter
— Stanford Tree (@DaStanfordTree) October 31, 2022
Hours after the initial announcement, the individual who had previously held the position revealed they are coming out of retirement and will fill the trunk until the suspension is lifted.
“Heyo, previous Tree (#43) here. Some of y’all have been asking, so I’ll clarify that (Stanford band) leadership reached this decision as per established Band policy. But don’t worry, I’ll be coming out of retirement until #44 returns in the winter,” the fill-in Tree tweeted on Sunday night.
The Stanford band also used its halftime show during the game against Arizona State to press the university to divest from fossil fuels, citing climate change as the impetus for a “spooky” setlist during the break, which the band members played in Halloween costumes.
The Tree has had its share of eyebrow-raising escapades over the years, including fistfights with Cal’s Oski the Bear. Two different individuals were suspended during 2006: one for being caught drunk during a men’s basketball game at Cal and, later that year, the replacement Tree was ejected from the NCAA women’s basketball tournament for dancing in an undesignated area.
