A Florida father is suing a school district for allegedly hanging LGBTQ pride flags in his son’s middle school classroom. The lawsuit also accuses a teacher of promoting “homosexual lifestyles.”
Dr. Francisco Deliu launched a lawsuit against the School District of Palm Beach County on Oct. 12. The lawsuit also names Emerald Cove Middle School, its principal, Dr. Eugina Smith Feaman, and teacher Rachel Raos.
The lawsuit stems from accusations that the teacher of Deliu’s son hung two LGBTQ pride flags in a classroom.
Deliu claims to have confronted the principal of Emerald Cove Middle School about the LGBTQ flags, but the concerns were allegedly “dismissed.”
“He asked for reasons, but the Principal refused to justify her decision,” the lawsuit says. The principal reportedly said the matter would be discussed with the school board.
Deliu’s lawsuit claims the computer science teacher “used a search engine to find websites about homosexual lifestyles and proselytized to the students in class” on Sept. 16.
The lawsuit accuses Raos and Emerald Cove Middle School of attempting to “mold his child’s mind without his consent.” The suit says Deliu found out “from his child that his school is expressly and/or implicitly advocating for homosexuality as an alternative way of life.”
The lawsuit alleges, “There is no lawful authority that permits the Teacher, Principal, School, District and/or Board to teach, discuss or otherwise educate the students, including Dr. Deliu’s son, about gay pride, homosexuality or the like.”
The father – who is originally from Romania – said he and his family are Orthodox Christians, and they believe that being gay is a sin and is “not in accordance with their Bible.”
Deliu demanded that his son be removed from the computer science class “pending anticipated legal action.” The school purportedly said it would examine the possibility of transferring the boy to another computer science class.
However, the lawsuit alleges, “The school did not keep its promise and, instead, unilaterally and without notice to Dr. Deliu moved his son into an art class.”
The father objected to the move because the art class has nothing to do with the student’s “career.”
Deliu believes that the school’s conduct violates Florida’s Parents’ Bill of Rights law, which was signed into law last year by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The legislation affirms that each parent has “the right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child” and “the right to direct the upbringing and the moral or religious training of his or her minor child.”
Deliu wants a jury trial in circuit court, for the court to declare the teacher’s discussion about homosexuality illegal, for the LGBTQ flags to be removed from the classroom, and for a public apology from the school district.
“The main reason I filed this case was because I believe the school has violated the law and want to stop them before they go further,” Deliu told Fox News. “An interesting byproduct of my case is that it has made parents aware and so may just yet turn into a political movement as well. We have to protect our children from overreach by the unelected bureaucrats.”
The lawsuit states, “Dr. Deliu is a libertarian who lives by a ‘live and let live’ creed. He respects the rights of others, but also demands they not encroach upon his rights.”
“Our schools are spending time, money, and resources on gay pride and homosexuality. This will not end well,” Deliu stated. “Parents are responsible for cultural, moral, political, and social education. Schools are responsible for that which the parents are unable to teach due to lack of skills or abilities, i.e., physics or calculus. We need to ensure those lines are not crossed, and I hope my case helps set this clear precedent.”
A hearing is scheduled for Nov. 1.