Neighborhood notes

WILLOW GLEN>>The Saratoga Symphony is set to perform a free concert of music by Ukrainian composers Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. at Lincoln Glen Church, 2700 Booksin Ave. The pieces are all Bay Area premieres composed between 1910 and 1921. Conductor Dr. Jason Klein will talk about each piece for the audience before it is performed. While no tickets are required to attend, audience members must wear masks.

ROSE GARDEN>>Cory Huff, founder of, is leading a one-day workshop Oct. 22 at Visual Philosophy, 1065 The Alameda, on “How to Sell Your Art Online.”

Huff will explain the process of developing a selling position as an artist, and how to present yourself and your art in a compelling way. Artists will also how to develop a personalized marketing plan.

The workshop comes with a printed workbook, one-year access to all courses on and membership in Visual Philosophy’s private group forum for professional artists.

Huff has been helping artists sell art online since 2009. Harper Collins published his book, “How to Sell Art Online: Live a Creative Life on Your Own Terms.” He has guest lectured on marketing at schools like Southern Methodist University, Pacific Northwest College of Art and the Fashion Institute of Technology and given workshops in multiple countries.

His Visual Philosophy workshop is set for 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  Registration is $300 on
