A significant majority of likely general election voters do not feel as safe in the U.S. now as they did two years ago, according to a recent poll.

The Trafalgar Group poll, which was conducted September 17-20, found that 67.9% do not feel as safe currently as they did two years prior, while 27.1% feel just as safe now as they did back then.

A whopping 86.8% of Republicans do not feel as safe now as two years ago, while only 9.8% do feel as safe now. Democrats were fairly evenly divided, with 44.9% not feeling as safe now, and 47.8% feeling just as safe now as two years before. And in the “No Party/Other” category 64.1% do not feel as safe now as two years back, while 30.9% do feel as safe now.

Republican President Donald Trump was still in office two years ago. Democratic President Joe Biden entered office on January 20, 2021.

The Trafalgar Group also found that 95.6% of likely general election voters would be unlikely to vote for someone who backs policies that block authorities from detaining people charged with violent offenses like kidnapping and armed robbery. While 76.9% indicated that they are “Not likely at all” to vote for such an individual, 18.7% were “Not very likely,” to vote for such a candidate.

A Scott Rassmussen national survey of registered voters found that 61% believe that drug cartels possess more control over the U.S. southern border than the American government does. That poll also found that 54% do not think the federal government is seriously aiming to make the border secure and decrease unlawful immigration.

Border security is critical for public safety. For example, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection press release noted that earlier this month, authorities arrested a convicted murderer who had unlawfully entered the U.S. The individual had been “convicted of multiple felonies, including murder, in 1996 in Miami and sentenced to four years of confinement” and had “been twice deported, most recently in June of this year,” according to CBP.