The next time you build a gaming PC, you probably won’t be adding an EVGA GPU to your list of possible components. The company, which is best known for manufacturing NVIDIA GeForce-based video cards, is getting out of the GPU-making business. As Tom’s Hardware and Ars Technica report, company CEO Andrew Han sat down with YouTubers JayZTwoCents and Gamers Nexus in a closed-door interview to reveal EVGA’s decision. He also talked about his grievances with NVIDIA.

Han told the YouTubers that NVIDIA had stopped treating EVGA as a true partner over the years despite their history. NVIDIA had allegedly stopped informing EVGA about new product announcements and important information, such as suggested retail pricing and availability. That left add-in board partners like EVGA to find out details about the latest products on stage, the same time we all do. Further, NVIDIA’s first-party Founders Edition cards undercut the prices of their counterparts from EVGA and other partners, forcing the vendors to mark down their prices. 

EVGA, Han said, will continue selling cards based on older GeForce GPUs like the RTX 3000 series. After it runs out of stock, though, that’s it — the company has no plans to team up with NVIDIA rivals AMD or Intel. EVGA has been selling other computer components and accessories, such as power supplies and gaming mice, for a while now. But according to Gamers Nexus, 80 percent of the company’s revenue comes from GeForce sales, so this decision could put the company’s very existence in jeopardy. When the YouTuber commented that this must have been a difficult decision to make, the CEO reportedly replied that this was easy and it was working with NVIDIA that was hard.

In its forums, EVGA has posted the following statement:

EVGA will not carry the next generation graphics cards. EVGA will continue to support the existing current generation products. EVGA will continue to provide the current generation products. EVGA is committed to our customers and will continue to offer sales and support on the current lineup. Also, EVGA would like to say thank you to our great community for the many years of support and enthusiasm for EVGA graphics cards.

As for NVIDIA, Bryan Del Rizzo, the director of global public relations for GeForce, told Tom’s Hardware:

We’ve had a great partnership with EVGA over the years and will continue to support them on our current generation of products. We wish Andrew and our friends at EVGA all the best.

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