Scientific American magazine was mocked and ridiculed over bizarre claims it made about binary sex roles in Western science in a series of tweets.

The claims were a part of a Twitter thread attempting to recast the binary sexual identities in order to fit the transgender agenda.

“Before the late 18th century, Western science recognized only one sex—the male—and considered the female body an inferior version of it. The shift historians call the ‘two-sex model’ served mainly to reinforce gender and racial divisions by tying social status to the body,” read the sixth tweet in the series of seven.

“It’s not just complex in the context of intersex,” read a quote from medical anthropologist Katrina Karkazis. “Our bodies are far more variable than our categories. Part of what’s happened is people become slotted into this binary framework.”

Critics of the claim lined up on social media to cast scorn on the science magazine and make their arguments against the claim.

“The propaganda from once-respected outlets like @sciam is truly incredible… People are still free to read book from the middle ages and earlier, and see how blatantly false all their claims are. Idea that ‘Two-sex model’ served for ‘racial division’ should be stand-up comedy,” replied Maxim Lott, producer for John Stossel.

“The hijacking of science to parrot pure and absolute nonsense is just amazing,” responded Ben Shapiro.

“This isn’t actually true at all,” said radio show host Erick Erickson.

“It’s so sad to see this horrific destruction of once-great institutions,” said gender author Helen Joyce.

“History will laugh at this ridiculous period in time where half the people created a fantasy world for themselves. Good lord you people are insane,” read another tweet.

Many critics pointed out that the Bible clearly set out the binary sexual system long before the 18th century.

Here’s more about the transgender agenda:

The ridiculous battle between Trans Activists and TERFs