Chalk another one up for the lifesaving effectiveness of firearms for home and personal defense. Specifically, the case of a Gary, Indiana, woman who shoots an intruder attempting to break in during the early hours. The incident occurred while police were en route, following a 911 burglary call from the woman.

Gary Indiana Woman Shoots and Kills Home Intruder

5:10 a.m. Friday, August 5th, a 56-year-old woman woke to the sound of someone breaking into her residence. Following a call to 911, police were dispatched and en route when the situation escalated.

According to NWI Times, “’While officers were [en route] they were updated that the suspect had made entry into the residence by breaking out the window,’ [Gary police Lt. Dawn] Westerfield said.”

After the 36-year-old would-be burglar broke the window, gaining entry, the woman decided not to wait for the police. Instead, she shot the intruder, ending his attempts to break in.

WGN9 reports, “When officers arrived to the scene, the man was in front of the home with apparent gunshot wounds. The woman told police she had fired her weapon, but was uncertain if she had struck the man.”

Although police haven’t identified the man, they report that he was later declared dead by the Lake County Coroner’s Office.

The shooting is currently under investigation, with no word regarding initial findings. Hopefully, justice will prevail, and the police will rule this a righteous case of self-defense. Although, even if they rule the case clear-cut self-defense, she will still bear the scars for years to come. But she will still be alive.

It is worth noting that according to, Gary, Indiana, has a murder rate of 76.3 per 100,000 people. In contrast, Chicago, Illinois, has a murder rate of 18.2 per 100,000 people, according to the site. Those are pretty surprising numbers. Likewise, Gary has a burglary rate of 759.2 per 100,000 people.

Gary, Indiana, seems to be heading towards a violent trend, and this woman was right to defend herself.

Guns save lives, pass it on.
