Wagging tails and happy barks are signs of a job well done in Jasmine Thomas-Gainey’s line of work. Through her business, Doggy Dog Treats By Jazzy, the 12-year-old Strawberry resident sells her home-baked and human-grade dog treats, which contain no chemical preservatives, on Etsy at etsy.com/shop/DoggyDogTreatsByJazz and at markets throughout the Bay Area.

(Courtesy of Jasmine Thomas-Gainey)
Jasmine Thomas-Gainey sells a variety of dog treats. 

After getting a food dehydrator, bag sealer and other items to kickstart her business for her 10th birthday, she opened up shop a month later in March 2020. The seventh-grader at Mill Valley Middle School is proof that with a little help, a great idea and passion your dreams can come true.

Q When did your love of baking begin?

A When my mom and I moved from Los Angeles, we moved in with my grandparents. I would always bake with my grandma, and that started at a really young age, probably around 4. My grandma has an amazing pound cake recipe, so that was one of the key things we would make and we still make it today. It’s definitely a family recipe. My mom has it now and I can’t wait for the day that I get it.

Q Is Buddy, your 12-year-old Chihuahua mix dog, a taste tester for the business?

A Yes, he is. He loves the treats, and whenever we bake them he is standing by the kitchen, and whenever we are packing them up, he is right under us.

Q What made you want to get into the dog treat business?

A The idea came to me when I was 9. I like dogs so much, and also baking had a big part in it. It’s really fun, it also has broadened my knowledge of what dogs can eat and can’t. That was definitely fun and interesting researching.

Q How do you come up with flavors?

A After I figured out the main things dog can eat, I looked at other dog recipes and I modified a lot of them and I came up with a few on my own. From there, we started testing them, and got the recipes down.

Q Has it been nice to have this to do in the pandemic?

A It definitely was, especially when we first opened the store, I got a lot of orders. And it kept me busy for a long time and the business still keeps me busy. I have been working all summer and going to markets most weekends. I think if I told myself when I was 9 where I am now, I would probably be shocked. When I was 9, I didn’t think I would be where I am today.

Q What do you love about this?

A One of the things I really enjoy is how young I am in doing it. I think that’s really cool. I like seeing the reviews that people leave, or if they post something on their Instagram Story of their dogs happy about the treats, that’s always really fun to see. Buddy was very picky when it came to store-bought treats and after I started my business and started making treats, the fact that he likes them I was really happy with that. I felt like what I was doing was good.

Q Any favorite customer interactions that you’ve had?

A At the markets, one of my favorite things is when I am able to see people’s reactions to finding out it’s my business, and them figuring out how young I am and being able to see the dogs and give them treats if their owners let me. That’s always fun.

Q What would you say to youth your age who want to start a business?

A I feel like you can never be too young. When you start so young, it opens a lot more possibilities, because people are going to gravitate to that. And I think also it opens up a lot more doors of possibilities because if you start younger, there’s more time for you to grow.

Q What are your hopes for the future?

A I want to sell my treats in stores. I want to keep going until I am at least out of high school and I want to grow enough to hire some employees. I am excited to see where it goes.

Source: www.mercurynews.com