Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has said that being pro-choice is a part of her faith.

In a video that she shared on social media last month, Abrams said that “the decision to be pro-choice is exactly part of my faith. I cannot strike down another person’s rights simply because I don’t agree.”

And while abortion literally entails killing an unborn human being, Abrams also said that according to her faith, “you protect the vulnerable and you wrap them in your love.”

Abrams, who is facing off against incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp during Georgia’s 2022 governor’s contest, previously lost the Peach State’s 2018 gubernatorial election to Kemp. Abrams has previously served in the Georgia House of Representatives.

In a campaign ad posted in 2018, Abrams said that according to her reading of scripture, “Jesus Christ was a progressive.”

Faith in Georgia

During an interview with Yahoo! News on Sunday, Abrams discussed the issues of abortion and faith.

“It is a medical decision. And while your faith tradition may tell you that you personally do not want to make that choice, it is not my right as a Christian to impose that value system on someone else because the value that should overhang everything is the right to make our own decisions, the free will that the God I believe in gave us,” Abrams said. “And my responsiblity as a legislator is to make certain that we allow doctors and nurses and medical professionals to make medical decisions and that politicians stay out of it.”

When asked about restrictions on abortions, Abrams said that “arbitrary political parameters make no sense. But it should always be that abortion care is available until a fetus is viable unless that viability threatens” a mother’s life, Abrams said.

Georgia law currently bans abortions after an unborn child’s heartbeat is detected, with some exceptions.