An anti-violence activist who spray-painted “no shoot zone” in hundreds of spots in Baltimore, Maryland, was shot on Wednesday.

48-year-old Tyree Moorehead was shot in an incident in East Baltimore around the corner from his residence.

Moorehead was initially taken to a hospital, but he left later that day and walked back to his home to accost the police that were searching his residence.

Video from the bizarre scene showed that he was still in medical scrubs and a hairnet when he arrived and told reporters he was upset that he couldn’t feed his birds inside the home.

“I was shot three times. Bullet went through my jaw and my neck, and one is still in my back,” said Moorehead to a reporter from WJZ-TV.

He told another reporter that he wasn’t discharged but had just walked out of the hospital.

Moorehead’s neighbors told WJZ that he is very aggressive and has regularly antagonized them. He also said that police had been searching his home for three days.

He was then picked up by paramedics and taken back to the hospital.

In 2019, Moorehead helped organize a community effort to buy clothes and toys for two children who had been shot and he spray-painted “no shoot zone” at the scene of the crime. He told a WMAR-TV reporter that he had been convicted for being a shooter and that made him the perfect activist to advocate against gun violence.

“I can look them in the eyes and say, ‘Homie, I was shooting, too.’ But, what I didn’t have was a me back then,” he explained at the time.

Moorehead has spray-painted about two hundred of the “no shoot zone” messages across Baltimore, sometimes marking where a previous shooting has already occurred.

Statistics from the city say that there have been 179 homicides thus far recorded, making it on pace to be one of the deadliest years in Baltimore’s history.

Here’s a local news report about the incident:

‘No Shoot Zone’ activist shot in East Baltimore on Wednesday