Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King lashed out at a report claiming he had spent $40k worth of donations to purchase a large guard dog.

The report was documented at the Free Beacon and said King had used money donated to his political PAC named “Grassroots Law” in order to buy the Mastiff and prize show dog named Marz.

The PAC made two payments adding up to $40,650 to Potrero Performance Dogs in California in December and February, according to the report.

King posted to his social media about adding the dog to his family in a post that has since been deleted or made private.

The report also said that the PAC had paid out $56,000 to political campaigns since 2021, only $16,000 more than was paid for the dog.

In response to the report, King penned a rambling note on his Instagram account trying to justify the purchase while blaming white supremacy.

“White supremacists and people who’ve meant my family harm have now shown up to our last three homes. Multiple times,” King claimed.

“⁣I’ve received death threats in the mail, in email, and across social media. I report it. Nothing happens,” he added.

He claimed that, because of the threats, he spent more time trying to protect his family than he did working on social justice.

“So know this, when you see reports about the money it costs to keep me and my family safe, it’s nowhere near enough. Not at all. Not even close,” he concluded. ⁣

King has been criticized for lacking accountability while raising millions in fundraising campaigns ostensibly for the fight against racism.

The activist previously made headlines when he asserted in 2020 that statues which portray Jesus Christ as a white man should be taken down.

“They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted at the time. “Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

Here’s more about the Shaun King controversy:

White JESUS is offensive?! BLM activist Shaun King wants Christian ‘White Supremacy’ statues removed