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Jason Whitlock dropped a truth bomb in this episode of “Fearless” on BlazeTV. He explained that he presents himself to police officers in a way that demonstrates he is not a threat.
“As a man, my first responsibility is to secure my own survival and to protect myself. And so, as it relates to my engagement with the police, I take control of that by my actions. I give off an energy to police. I present myself to the law enforcement, present myself to others in a very respectful manner,” said Jason.
Jason says, when it comes to engaging with police and avoiding an altercation, it’s really just about your attitude and being the change you want to see. If you want to be respected, give police respect. “Don’t dress like a thug, then get upset when you get treated that way,” Jason said. Some formulas just work. Watch the clip to get what Jason had to say.
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Source: www.lawofficer.com