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UVALDE, Texas – An anonymous donor covered the funeral costs for the teachers and children murdered in the Uvalde massacre, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said at the end of May, Law Officer reported at the time. It turns out the generous gift came from legendary athlete Bo Jackson.

Jackson, a rare two-sport professional NFL All-Pro and MLB All-Star in the 1980s and 1990s, talked about the impact the massacre had on him, the Associated Press reported, saying he felt a personal connection to the small town he’s driven through several times.

Uvalde has been a regular stop for a bite to eat or groceries during a lengthy drive further west to visit a friend’s ranch during hunting trips.

“I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting old,” said Jackson, a father of three and a grandfather as he nears 60. “It’s just not right for parents to bury their kids. It’s just not right.

“I know every family there probably works their butts off just to do what they do. … The last thing they needed was to shell out thousands of dollars for something that never should have happened.”

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Bo Jackson (YouTube)

Both the NFL and MLB named Jackson as an All-Star during various times in his illustrious career — the only professional athlete to carry the title in both leagues.

Jackson also won the Heisman trophy in 1985 as a running back at Auburn University.

“Bo Knows” was an advertising campaign for Nike cross-training shoes that ran in 1989 and 1990 and featured Jackson as its pitchman.

Hence, “Bo Knows” how to graciously give of his resources to help people who are hurting.

It was his familiarity with the feel of Uvalde’s Main Street, charming town square and the genuine people he’d met on those stops that touched his heart when the tragic news broke on May 24 of the shooting at Robb Elementary.

Three days later, Jackson and a close friend flew to Uvalde, briefly met with Gov. Abbott and presented a check for $170,000 in order to cover the funeral expenses, according to AP News.

The governor announced it as an anonymous donation during a May 27 news conference regarding aid for burial costs.

“We didn’t want media,” Jackson said. “No one knew we were there.”

And though Jackson suggested he hasn’t kept it a secret, he hadn’t spoken publicly about what moved him to make the trip to Uvalde and the donation until this week.

“Uvalde is a town that sticks in your mind. Just the name,” Jackson said. “I don’t know a soul there. It just touched me.”

Jackson declined to identify the friend who went with him and also contributed to the donation.

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