A Democratic strategist was mocked and ridiculed over her claim that male conservatives cared more about pronouns than any “leftist or trans person” that she knew.

Democratic digital strategist Elizabeth Spiers made the claim on her social media account.

“White male conservatives care more about pronouns than any leftist or trans person I know. It’s truly unhinged,” Spiers tweeted.

Male conservatives and their allies pounced on the tweet to mock Spiers and the performative display of pronouns in general.

“You can get permanently banned from this platform for using the ‘wrong’ pronouns — but ‘white male conservatives’ are the ones who are unhinged and obsessed? Huh?” responded Mark Hemingway.

“You will literally get banned from this website for misusing pronouns,” replied Jonathan Levine of the New York Post.

“I mean, deadnaming gets you banned from Twitter. Sounds like someone on the left cares,” responded Noah Blum.

“I don’t have gender pronouns in my Twitter bio. You do. So who ‘cares more’ about pronouns — the person who’s simply not using them, or the person who’s virtue-signaling with them?” read a popular response.

“They want people to be arrested for ‘misgendering’, then pretend you’re the one who’s obsessed when it starts to backfire on them,” said another critic.

“We literally have to go to corporate training seminars for this nonsense, and then they still stand agog that we developed an opinion,” replied another detractor.

Ironically, Spiers had only just hours prior to that tweet compared forgetting pronouns to “Keeping trans people from getting killed!”

Spiers previously made headlines in 2020 when she penned an opinion piece claiming that adoptions were often just as traumatizing to children as abortions can be, if not more so.

Here’s more about the leftist outrage over pronouns:

Mom: Misgendering led to HARASSMENT charges against my son www.youtube.com