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Threatened sequoias
call for climate action

Re. “Wildfire disrupts vacation plans,” Page A1, July 12:

For anyone who has ever seen a giant sequoia in person, it is truly an awesome sight to behold. How sad it was to see the July 12 headlines that the Mariposa Grove in Yosemite is threatened by wildfire. Unfortunately, it has become commonplace, not only in California but also in other states as well, to see our national (and natural) treasures go up in smoke or be devastated by floods.

The price of not acting on climate change has become overwhelming. Now is the time to act, so that we can show future generations that we were equal to the task of preserving a livable earth. Let your members of Congress know that you want strong climate action included in the budget reconciliation bill now before Congress.

Renee Hinson
Mountain View

With expansion, school
can help more girls

Re. “After long fight, all-girls school’s expansion OK’d,” Page B1, July 7:

I want to make sure that Mercury News readers understand that Castilleja School is grateful to Palo Alto and our neighbors for helping shape a project that will allow us to educate more young women.

It might not have been clear in the story that while the process took time, I am grateful for the input of everyone involved and optimistic about the future of Castilleja’s relationship with residents and the city.

We look forward to preparing more young women for a lifetime of learning and leading while strengthening our relationship with the community in the process.

Nanci Kauffman
Head of School, Castilleja School
Palo Alto

Mallard Fillmore again
disregards the truth

The comic Mallard Fillmore, which is really a political cartoon on the comics page, often presents conservative fantasy as if it were true. It also presents disinformation on real events, as it did on July 5, when it referred to “the far-left radical who tried to break into Justice Kavanaugh’s home and assassinate him.” (Page B9)

Does the author mean Nicholas Roske, who had no history of being overtly political, who called 911 for help from Kavanaugh’s neighborhood but did not try to enter his property? He admitted to suicidal thoughts and made verbal threats against Kavanaugh, and brought an unloaded handgun and a knife and tools in a locked suitcase.

He was not a “far-left radical who tried to break into Justice Kavanaugh’s home.” He was charged with attempted murder because there wasn’t a charge for confused wandering, calling the police on himself, and then making threats.

Randall Brynsvold
San Jose

Misinformation sits
well with Trump crew

Re. “Trump’s rallying of extremists scrutinized,” Page A1, July 13:

Now I better understand why around 30% of the people in this country still believe the 2020 election was stolen.

Tuesday night I started watching Don Lemon on CNN giving in-depth coverage of the committee hearings of the day but decided to switch to Fox to see their coverage. Sean Hannity’s top story of the day (for about 10 minutes) was the Jill Biden scandal over Hispanics and tacos.

It’s no surprise that we don’t have an informed electorate. Very sad.

Chris Worrall
San Jose

Only common sense will
eradicate gun violence

When faced with an epidemic, we quickly move to eradicate its source.

Guns are the source of this epidemic of mass shootings.

We need much more than the insipid congressional legislation of a few weeks ago and we need it now. You should be age 21 to purchase a weapon. AR-15s outlawed. Common sense must prevail.

Patricia Andrews
San Jose

Nice people are
still all around us

There are many nice people still around.

Recently after picking up my husband at the hospital, we dropped by a fast food place in San Jose before making the trek home. The car gave out. Not only were other customers concerned about us but also AAA came in record time. The tow truck operator treated our car as if it were his own and drove us to the mechanic and then home.

Through all the difficulty of the day, to have a congenial and fun ride home made our day. If anyone doubts the world is still full of good people, take it from us. They are there in abundance.

Jane Parks-McKay and Tim McKay
Santa Cruz

First Amendment does
protect us from religion

Re. “Constitutional right is of, not from, religion,” Page A6, July 6:

Jay Morrett wrote: “Freedom of and freedom from [religion] are not the same. … Please reread your copy of the Constitution.”

Perhaps letter writer Jay Morrett should do the same. The First Amendment reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” The establishment clause has been interpreted to mean: Congress can make no law imposing a religion or religious practices.

So yes, that is “freedom from” as well as “freedom of.”

Ken Mintz
